Sunday, September 28, 2008

Could this be the end?

Well, Reid is starting to wean himself from the bottle a bit. He is not really all that excited about it. He just wants solids when he is really hungry. We are working with putting the formula in a cup a bit more, which he is not totally crazy about. I am just wondering if this would be a good time to go ahead and work on changing him over slowly to whole milk. With Ellie, we waited until she hit her 1st birthday. Reid is close. He will be 11 months next week. If we are going to do this, I want to just bite the bullet and get this done before palate surgery. Reid takes 3 bottles a day...maybe. I am thinking that this would be a nice time, since he is not terribly interested, to begin switching over. I gave him 2 ozs. of whole milk mixed in with his formlua today to begin the switch. Have I serioulsy bought my last container of formula? Could it be? Any tricks out there cleft families on switching over? Is this bad to do before palate surgery or helpful? He has to be off the Haberman before surgery day. So....I think I am going to try this and see if we can actually be done with the bottle in the next week or so. He is very excited about yogurt now and is also enjoying cheese and bites of bread. Have we actually turned the corner??? Wow....more updates soon. Wish me luck!


kellyliz82 said...

If he is not interested in it, I say go for the transition! Jordan is 13 months and loves her bottle like most love a pacifier. I don't know how I am going to wean her. She doesn't want to take milk from a cup at all, just her bottle. Take advantage of the opportunity. We switched her to whole milk around 11 months. We mixed it with formula and gradually faded out the formula. Best of luck!

Ava and the Trips said...

I can't wait for this day!!

LifeWithTheFerrells said...

I say start the switch! I also found as far as sippy cups, the cheap disposable cups (like 4 cups and lids in a pack for 3 bucks) from walmart with no valve work the best with Makenna. She doesn't need to suck hard to get milk/juice out. Even though she had her palate surgery, she still struggles with sippy cups. Good luck! Give me a call, we need to schedule Ellie maybe end of next week??!

Anonymous said...

Janeen, I loved hearing Reid's story today! What a darling! The next time I see my nephew, I will tell him about Reid's Journey! I hope to hear that all went well with the upcoming surgery and will keep your family in my prayers!
Buffy Crumlick, Your Silpada Designs Independent Representative